This unique multi-mode tactical assault ladder concentrates unbelievable range of functions into one product. Standard 4.6 m long ladder set consists of 4 sections which can be quickly and easily dismantled to single parts.
Dismantled ladder fits into a dedicated bag for storage or transport and can be assembled right at the point of action by one man in less than 3 minutes.
It is also possible to connect more ladder sections together. 8 sections can be used only as a leaning or hook ladder but 6 sections can still be used as a safe bridge for 1 person.
The ladder endures loads up to 200 kg at horizontal position (bridge) and it can carry 3 persons while leaning against a wall. One single rung with rough and durable anti-slip surface cover withstands a load up to 500 kg allowing rescue of persons by carrying over the shoulder.
Sophisticated rescue kit transforms 2 connected ladder sections into an emergency stretcher allowing transportation of an injured person in all position including evacuation under helicopters.
LADCARB LDC MULTI-SYSTEM can be used as a standard leaning ladder, as a bridge or a hook ladder. The most unique feature is that single rails can be connected together and used as a multi-purpose pole.
With custom-made adapters it can be quickly installed on vehicle borne assault platforms replacing standard heavy and clumsy aluminum ladders.
For special military or rescue operations in remote areas we provide heavy-duty mountaineering backpacks allowing even safe fast-roping from helicopters.
Thanks to carefully selected dimensions and structural characteristics, the ladder was successfully certified in accordance with the EN-BS 1147 Standard for firefighters.